In just a short time from now, a historic meeting will be taking place. The president of our United States will be meeting with Kim Jon-un, the leader of North Korea.

You may have been over-hearing about this meeting for some time now. It was on, it was off, it’s back on…
You may be frustrated with the way things are going between these two countries, or just within your own country…
You may truly dislike President Trump…
You might adore our president’s politics….

You might be in a thousand other categories that I haven’t even though about….but I bet I can guess a few truths about you, dear reader:
You’d prefer to not be the recipient of a nuclear bomb…
You’d prefer that other innocent people not be the recipients of a nuclear bomb…
You’d like to know that some parts of this scary crazy wonderful earth are a little safer.

Did I get some of those right?

So here’s the thing: Like our president or don’t, agree with his politics or not, prefer far-left-liberalisim or radical conservatism….
I’ll bet you still want this meeting to be successful.
We all want this meeting to be successful.

Some of us may have added or different reasons for wanting the success, but I think we all agree that this world will start to be a little bit better if we have one country agreeing to de-nucelarize itself.

Know what that means?
It’s time to put political positions aside and pray.
Pray that North Korea’s leader will have a softened heart toward the idea of removing his country’s nuclear weapons.
Pray that negotiations between these two will stay cordial and terms will be able to be discussed.
Pray that a good and reasonable plan of action will be put into place to make sure the right thing happens.

Pray for a successful meeting.

Can we ask you to take a moment and do that? They say the meeting could last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, so whenever you read this, please stop and pray.

Maybe the fact that all sides of all parties are able to put aside their differences to come together in prayer for the same outcome is just a foreshadowing of the kind of the peace that we are working toward.
