Isn’t funny how you can say anything you want about your sibling, but the minute anyone else does, you want to lay them out FLAT.  It amazes me that the people that have the biggest impact on you growing up are choices that you can’t make.  Out of all of the billions of people in the world – that is who God picked for you.

I went to help my sister last week pick out some things for her new home.  We had a blast!  She is hilarioius, genuine, and beautiful.  If you want to laugh until it hurts, she is your girl. We finished arranging furniture, and Lucy and I spent the night with her.  When it was approaching bed time, I spotted a book on her side table. It was by an author that I love, and I had never seen the book.  I asked her about it, and she said, “It’s a book we used for Sunday School, I never finished it.” And, she just shrugged her shoulders about it.

I picked it up, and immediately began reading.  It was so good.  I stayed up late that night diving into it and I couldn’t put it down.  My dad and I are book fanatics. We swap them out all of the time.  I see a book of his I like – I take it.  He does the same at my house. It’s the way we roll.  This is not the way to roll with my sister. I kept thinking I needed to ask her to take it home, and it kept slipping my mind that morning. She was unpacking, making breakfast, serving others… while I was on the front porch with an incredible view reading her book.

I have to be honest.  When I would remind myself to ask her to borrow it, the not so nice side of myself would say, “As soon as she knows you really like that book, she isn’t going to let you take it. Don’t ask her to borrow it if you want to read one more page of that fantastic book. She’ll decide she wants to read it.”

My sister slipped out that morning to go get another load at their previous house, and I didn’t ask her about the book. I really am 43.  I’m not 7. But, for real, I took my sister’s book without asking.  I knew my mom was coming back Monday, and she could slip it right back on that table. I didn’t want to wait even 2 days for Amazon Prime.  I didn’t. 

Now, does Crystal have reasons for being a  little concerned about her book being returned? Sure.  At this moment I have a library book from my church that is probably 6 months past due.  I forget EVERY SINGLE WEEK.  Was I the nicest sister growing up? Nope. We fought like cats and dogs.  Whenever I realized she could start beating me up, I quit being such a bully. I just forget things. You probably can bet I would have forgotten to give that book to my mom to return to her on Monday.

I got home with the book, and I loved it so much, that I shared it’s main point with you fine people.  I thought it was such an encouraging, spiritual holy blog post.  That’s right.  I stole a book and wrote about Jesus.  How does that even make sense?

So, without thinking about any of this and not realizing that me stealing the book would be a big deal, I posted it.  Of course, Crystal reads my blog because she has to.  As soon as we began the blog a few ago, she was the first one on the email subscription list because I asked her to be.  That’s what sisters do.

She commented on the Facebook post, and it made me feel so happy and so good.  I was so glad to be inspiring other people.  Didn’t think a thing about the book.  Then later, I get this text from her, “Do you know where that book is you were reading of mine?  I can’t find it.”

My adam’s apple fell into my stomach. She was totally on to me.  I had stolen her book, and I knew the more I would try to defend myself, the more stupid I would sound. I just told her that I would bring it to her the next day because it was the 4th.

She sent me a reminder text the next day.

Whenever I saw her, I told her I was sorry and that I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal.  She said that yes she was very protective of her books.  I thought that was dumb and she was clearly treating me like a 7 year old. That whole night I was trying to be nice, but I was about to explode – I was like one of the firecrackers!

You can read me like a BOOK – get it?  I think it was evident that my 7 year old self was having a situation. You know what happens when you get in the car after a situation.  You talk about it all of the way home to your significant other.  Apparently, Lucy was listening.  She doesn’t listen when I ask her to clean out the litter box for the kittens she had to have, but she listened to this. She totally called me out on it. “Mom, you took her book without asking. What do you expect?” Dagger to the heart – how embarrassing and awkward.

A few days later I was with Lucy and my dad.  We were talking about going to Arkansas because I had to pick up my daughter’s car from a dealership.  I had already told my sister I would help  her again before this whole book thing happened. The most ironic thing is what she had wanted me to help her with before all of this book thing happened.  I hadn’t even thought about it until my dad asked what I was helping her with.  I replied, “She wants me to help her organize her BOOKCASE.”  I still laugh out loud when I think of it.

I prayed before that trip.  I prayed God would help me be kind.  Really, I prayed that it would just go away. So, we just swept it under the rug and acted like nothing ever happened like usual.  It seems to work for us. She bought me some Taco Bueno for helping and we had a great time.

There is no point to this story.  Believe me, I tried to come up with one.  It’s just an honest confession.  I’m just really happy that God did make the choices He did with the family He started me out with.  I’d go to the mattresses for them every single time (I’ve been watching the Godfather).