
Lessons from the Nursing Home

My children spent 2 hours at a local nursing home the weekend before Christmas, visiting with the residents and singing (along with the rest of their school group) a few off-key Christmas carols. Their intent is always to play games and put together puzzles and other...

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Switching Tracks

Have you ever seen a train switch tracks? It's not something I'd recommend for regular entertainment. But...when you're sitting front and center as the first car behind the blinking striped railroad crossing barrier, trapped between that and 4 minivans with a carload...

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The First Dance

Not much going on in the family this week. I was doing pretty well sticking to the Spending Diet Challenge I've followed since January 1. This "diet" primarily means cutting out spending money on anything that's not a necessity- items that are treats, comforts or...

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14 Lies Mothers Tell

1.  I'd love to share this clean cold fresh new bottle of water with you! 2.  I have no idea who ate that last piece of cake. Was it you? Who was it?! How rude! 3.  No, I don't really want my french fries. Go ahead. By all means. 4.  It will hurt me more than it hurts...

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The Lost Last

The other night the kids and I watched the final episode of a Disney show.  It's a cute little thing that's been running for a few years….and a miracle form of entertainment in the fact that ALL of my kids actually enjoy watching it together. So they were really...

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Spread it Thick

"Give them roots," they say. "Give them roots and give them wings." Apparently, these are the most important gifts we can give our kids. We are supposed to firmly implant "things" in them that will, one day, enable them to launch themselves out into an independent...

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