Be the difference to one

So She Did.

A Happy Fall brings Pumpkin Muffins

Happy Fall!  I wanted to take a moment to share with you a FAST, EASY and SPECTACULAR recipe for moist pumpkin muffins.  I have had these brought to me TWICE in the last few weeks (thank you Rebecca and Diana).  We don't waste time and share anything we don't love, so...

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46 Things I Know

Once you get past your 21st birthday, there is nothing super exciting about your age creeping upward. Except maybe being able to rent a car anywhere when you turn 25. But I'm not sure that counts. The Bible says "young" people are the ones dreaming dreams and running...

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I recently heard someone say that totally unexpected news brings out dumb statements. Think about it. You receive some information you were completely not expecting and it takes your brain some extra time to process it. If your kid studied hours for a test and knew...

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“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”

                                                   -Mother Teresa

She Believed She Could... So She Did | Blog | Friendship | Food | DIY
She Believed She Could... So She Did | Blog | Friendship | Food | DIY
She Believed She Could... So She Did | Blog | Friendship | Food | DIY


My 17  year old son says that the movie, The Greatest Showman, has changed his life.  He has seen it three times.  I've been only once, but it does have a profound effect on any age. (If you didn't see the movie) The movie is based on the life of PT Barnum, his...

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Don’t Be Offended – Just Trust

Don’t Be Offended – Just Trust

This Christmas has been a little more intense.  With intensity and difficulty come clarity and a fresh perspective. We personally had a rough spot this season.  It was brief, but nonetheless hard. It brought Christ right smack into the center of our lives with arms...

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Holiday Stress: Keep it Simple

The election is over and I'm going to tell myself that someone, somewhere planned US elections to be completed just before our attention was diverted by tidings of comfort and joy.  Like the song says, "We need a little Christmas, right this very minute!" Thanksgiving...

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All The Good in the World

My mother-in-law and friends during their 18-state excursion, at a stop in Bar Harbor, Maine. My mother-in-law is a news junkie.  And a politics junkie too.   She spends a lot of time listening to the round-the-clock cable news cycle, and she loves to discuss and...

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I recently heard someone say that totally unexpected news brings out dumb statements. Think about it. You receive some information you were completely not expecting and it takes your brain some extra time to process it. If your kid studied hours for a test and knew...

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46 Things I Know

Once you get past your 21st birthday, there is nothing super exciting about your age creeping upward. Except maybe being able to rent a car anywhere when you turn 25. But I'm not sure that counts. The Bible says "young" people are the ones dreaming dreams and running...

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The Color Run - Happiest 5k Run

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