The Best App To Keep You Organized For Christmas!

Oh, are you ever going to thank me for this one! There is an app for everything!  Because I only have 20 more shopping days until Christmas (pull yourself together), I need all of the help I can get.  One of our special readers, Kathy Johnson, shared it with me.  It...

An Awesome “Not Thanksgiving” Recipe

I know we’re getting super-close to Thanksgiving, I know that visions of cranberries and green bean casseroles are drifting through our heads. I know that to some of us, the amount of cooking (and eating!) that will soon take place is almost incomprehensible. I...

Paint the Oak DIY project

I have two things to say before I start this.  Projects are stupid.  Projects are worth it. I wanted to write this post about painting my oak office white.  As I began searching for before pictures, I realized I was headed all the way back to Valentine’s Day in...