Oh, Dear. This Almond Cake is Really Good!

Oh, dear.  This cake is really good and easy!   My husband and I go out every Wednesday night on a date after we drop the kids off at church.  Yes, we are heathens.  We love to go to Small Cakes for dessert.  They don’t have WEDDING CAKE (moist cupcake with...
The (seriously) Best Beef Sandwich Ever

The (seriously) Best Beef Sandwich Ever

This title is not an exaggeration. At all. These are the best sandwiches EVER for three reasons: They taste totally amazing.  Totally. Amazing. They are super super super easy.  THREE INGREDIENTS!!! Leave it all day and come back to dinner.  And did I mention, 3...

It’s Time for FOOD! I mean FOOTBALL!

So, it’s Super Bowl Sunday, which is sort of like a holiday for some people – whether they’re fans of the football, the food, the commercials or just the good company.  Planning a menu for this night is almost on par with planning for Thanksgiving!...