This title is not an exaggeration. At all. These are the best sandwiches EVER for three reasons:

  1. They taste totally amazing.  Totally. Amazing.
  2. They are super super super easy.  THREE INGREDIENTS!!! Leave it all day and come back to dinner.  And did I mention, 3 ingredients??
  3. Your house will smell heavenly.  Everyone within your smell radius will hope for an invitation to dinner.

Ready to be a hero?  Get to cooking! (And by the way…my family “hates” peperoncinis.  But they love this dish.  It might help that I hide the jar…..)

3-4 lbs rump roast (or whatever cut of meat kind you like)

8 cloves garlic

1 jar peperoncinis


Peel the garlic cloves.  Use a super-sharp knife to cut some small slits in the meat and tuck the little cloves right in there.  Put the meat in the pot, dump the jar of peperoncinis (juice and all) over it.  Cover, put on low for 9-ish hours.  When it’s done, shred the meat with a fork (it will fall apart mostly on its own).  Smash the garlic with the meat and squish the peppers up as well.  You might want to pick the stems out if you use whole peppers, but you might like them! I serve it on a Hawaiian Roll with a slice of provolone cheese. You can serve it on whatever you want, but there’s a possibility my way is best.  Just sayin’.

Seems too simple to be true? Yeah, it does.  But please please trust me on this one….it’s truly dreamy.
